TimeFor GaminG member

Tf-Extreme-|~(Clan L0rd)
B.Pro~(Squad Leader)
Tf-XiaoQ~(Squad Leader)
Tf-Easy ~ (Elite Member)
Tf-EaSy~(Elite Member)
Tf-R3X~(Elite Member)

*The poor performance will be demoted or kick by lord without any reason

Friday, 16 April 2010

Clan Bug Fix Update

Clan Bug Fix Update

avatarby ziE
Posted in News on Thursday, 08 April 2010

In regards to the previous problem regarding Clan Display bug as explained here, we have already found a solution to address the problem. The code update is already fully operational and now in the QA process.

We would be pushing the implementation of this fix to next week, Tuesday 13th of April. This is to avoid the potential risk of service disruption during the peak gaming hours during the upcoming weekend.

The update will be implemented by Tuesday morning.

Garena under DDoS Attack

Garena under DDoS Attack

avatarby GG.MaRs
Posted in News on Monday, 12 April 2010

Dear Garena Users:

We would like to inform you that Garena servers were under DDoS attack since last night. You may experience problems when login Garena from time to time. We are receiving more than 10 times of traffic and packets compare to our normal average.

1. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We are doing our best to bring our servers online now.

2. This is a DDoS attack and it only affects login Garena. All our user accounts are safe. Please don't worry.

3. DDoS is against the law. We will report to police and find out who are behind these attacks. If you have any clue on who are responsible, please let us know.

What is DDoS: A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely.

Garena Team

TimeFor Rules^

1.No MapHack
2.No Hack
3.No Leaver(Must Hav Reason)
4.No Feeder(Expt U Are Supporter)
5.Do not spoil our Clan's Name
6.Obey the Rules at all times.
7.Be Loyal to the clan

Be a LOYAL Clan Member.!

Obey every Rule at All times.!

You SHOW Respect, you GAIN Respect.!

Gt Any Comments Pls Write At Chat Box Thx


Tf-Normal & Tf-R3X Hav Been Warning More 1 Week If Still Same I Will Kik U 2 Our Of Our Clan

Sunday, 11 April 2010


If any 1 of our clan member dota skill dint improve i will kik him out of our clan without any reason

Our team was established!!

2day~Our team was established!!But jz bcz of garena cilent problem so tat our member cant be invited into our clan~pls wait after tis tuesday(13th of Apirl)

Thursday, 1 April 2010

I. Hero's Story
Forcibly raised from the dead by the Lich King to serve as his elite magical guard, the Lich has the burning cold of Northrend in his realm of control. Evoking numerous freezing blasts, his talent in life still remains in death. Delving into the essence of cold magic, he has the power to cause ice to condense into an orb that bounces from foe to foe, causing tremendous pain in its wake. Sacrificing his allies for magical power, the Lich is a murderer without a trace of warmth.
2. Introduction
Lich is a decent pubstomper and a common pick on competitive games. He is item independent but still can get kills, and assist. He has no mana problems at early game due to dark ritual, also his denying skill. Lich is known for this two reasons: his gamebreaking 1st skill and Ultimate without relying on items.

When to Pick

- When your team needs burst damage
- When your team needs an item independent ganker
- When your team needs an offensive babysitter
- When you want to pubstomp

When not to Pick

- When you team has already a babysitter
- When you team is filled with fragile int and agi heroes
- When your team lacks initiator

3. Info And Stats
Basic Hero information found here: Kel'Thuzad, Lich
4. Skill Explanation
Frost Nova

Blasts enemy units around a target enemy unit with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds.
Level 1 - Deals 50 to the target damage and 75 AoE damage.
Level 2 - Deals 100 to the target damage and 100 AoE damage.
Level 3 - Deals 125 to the target damage and 125 AoE damage.
Level 4 - Deals 175 to the target damage and 150 AoE damage.
• Damage type: magical
• Frost slows movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 20%.
• Casting range: 600
• Area of Effect: 200
Mana Cost: 125/150/170/190
Cooldown: 9.25

Lich's primary damaging skill at early game, which proved to be worthy. His primary harassing spell at early game, as well as killing spell. This skill makes Lich excel at early game without too much items. Nova's slow can also save your allies and let you do an additional 2-3 attacks from max range.

When to Use:
• When an enemy is escaping
• When you are escaping
• Used to force enemy to go back
Frost Armor

Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows attacking melee units for 2seconds. Lasts 40 seconds.

Level 1 - Adds 3 armor.
Level 2 - Adds 6 armor.
Level 3 - Adds 9 armor.
Level 4 - Adds 12 armor.
• Frost slows movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 20%.
• If autocast is activated, the Lich will cast this spell on nearby allies who are attacked.
• Casting range: 800
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 5

This skill should only be skilled once at early game, Frost Nova and Dark Ritual should be maxed out first before this spell. This spell works well with some chaser-tanks like Bristleback and Dark Seer. If your team plans to kill roshan at lvl 1, then get this skill at lvl 1. Frost Armor will be a valuable skill later on, it is a big pain on melee dpser, it will make their attack weaker because of additional armor and it slows their attackspeed while attacking Lich/ally with frost armor.

When to Use:
• Ally/Self is being attacked
• Since it is spammable, you can use it always to give bonus armor for allies, making them more harder to kill.
Dark Ritual

Sacrifices a target friendly unit to convert its hit points into mana.
Level 1 - Converts 15% of the current HP of the creep to mana.
Level 2 - Converts 30% of the current HP of the creep to mana.
Level 3 - Converts 45% of the current HP of the creep to mana.
Level 4 - Converts 60% of the current HP of the creep to mana.
• Enemy heroes get no experience from creeps killed with Dark Ritual.
Casting range: 400
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 55/50/45/40

This skill satisfies Lich's early game mana problems, makes constant spamming for Frost Nova like no problem. This skill also used for denying, also remember that target the ghouls/treants than necro/druid of talon because they have higher hp.

When to Use:
• Before ganking, when you lack mana for Frost Nova and Chain Frost
• After ganking, when you used your mana for Chain Frost and Frost Nova
• Also used to deny a creep
Chain Frost

Releases a jumping breath of frost that jumps 7 times.
Level 1 - Deals 280 damage per jump, 370 damage with Aghanim's Scepter.
Level 2 - Deals 370 damage per jump, 460 damage with Aghanim's Scepter.
Level 3 - Deals 460 damage per jump, 550 damage with Aghanim's Scepter.
• Damage type: magical
• Frost slows movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 20%.
• The first target of this skill is ministuned.
• Casting range: 750
• Area of Effect: 600
Mana Cost: 200/325/500
Cooldown: 145/115/60

Lich's signature skill. This prove to be worthy at clashes, at lvl 3, it has a low cooldown but a high manacost(but during this levels you can sustain them) and prove to be better than Laguna/Finger if it is used at the right time. Coupled with a AoE Stun will create chaos at battlefield. Also cast this to channeling opponents(enigma)it has ministun on initial target. Note: Hits invisible targets.

When to Use:
• After an initiator does his job
• When no creeps around
• when you are about to die, even if there are too many creeps

5. Skill Build
1. Frost Nova/Frost Armor/Dark Ritual
2. Dark Ritual/Frost Nova
3. Frost Nova
4. Dark Ritual
5. Frost Nova
6. Chain Frost
7. Frost Nova
8. Dark Ritual
9. Dark Ritual
10. Frost Armor
11. Chain Frost
12. Frost Armor
13. Frost Armor
14. Frost Armor
15. Stats
16. Chain Frost
17. Stats

Any skill could be useful at lvl 1. Frost Nova is the option at level 1 at organized teams/competitive where your team plans gank. Dark Ritual is the right choice in pubs or when you don't choose to fight for the initial rune near your lane, remember than enemy heroes dont get experience from creeps killed with Dark Ritual. The additional lane postition advantage from having a smaller wave is also quite helpful. Frost Armor if your team plan to kill roshan at lvl 1.

Nova and Dark Ritual should be maxed out first, nova is a great AoE, nuke+disable while maxed dark ritual give great effects, you can also add one level of Frost armor at early game, it is enough due to Meka armor aura. Chain Frost should always be get whenever possible.
6. Item Build
Early Game Items

Start with a Chicken, bunch of tangoes and the rest is GG Branches. Later on, buy Ring of Regen and then later complete Headress. Lich should stay in a lane babysitting carry thats why buy chicken. Also share your chicken(not recommended at pubs). Due to his item-independence, he is also a common warder.

Core Items

Upgrade your chick into Courier, it provide better mobility and faster delivery. Buy one to two bracers because you will need this for some hp and stats boost. Lich doesnt really need null talisman, Dark Ritual solves his problem in mana. Wand is one of the most powerful and useful low-tier item in dota, it is also an upgrade on couple of gg branches at start. Upgrade your headdress to Mekansm, gives you overall nc stats and a Aoe heal. Lich is one of common wielders of meka in competitive games. Boots is a necessity on every hero, upgrade it to BoT later, every hero needs good mobility. Dont forget to buy wards.

Extended Core

Aghanims is one of easy to build and one of the most important for Lich. Improves his ulti well, as well as boosts your stats, health and mana. Upgrade your boots to Boots of Travel now, you need mobility and nothing more. Also dont forget blink dagger, helps you position your ulti as well as in escaping, or chasing fleeing heroes

Luxury Items/Optional

Need extra movespeed slow and attack speed slow? Buy Shivas, it also gives armor. Guinsoo boost your mana regen and int. Skadi is nice item for him, it gives the same slow(30% ms and 20%as) as your spells. Skadi also boosts your hp and mp, as well as stats. I highly doubt that it comes to the point that youll be needing this items, usually the game is already finished. Euls can be used to catch a runner, or use euls to yourself when being targetted in a teamfight. It can disable a lot of DPS during a teamfight from the enemies, which protects the fragile Lich. Necrobook wins every ward fight. Necrobooks golden rule: have a disable or slow to be effective. Disable/Slow-check.

Other items worth mentioning

Get disabled before you can cast a spell? Buy linken sphere, gives decent hp and mp regen, as well as stats. Lich is fragile, not only tanks intend to use blademail, but the ones who does not want to be focused, which Lich is. Buy Scepter if dpser-carries kill you in 3-4 attacks, it also gives additional 7 to all stats. Force Staff provides decent mp boost, as well as help escaping, positioning your ulti and many more. Heart gives massive raw hp, massive hp regen at a massive price. Get this if it is very very very very late game. Refresher also could be an option, but not the best, who doesnt wants double Chain Frost?

More About Footwear

Phase boots gives damage, phase, but is this what Lich need? Lich doesnt needs damage, phase sometimes doesnt really helps, probably not the boots for him. Power Treads gives decent movespeed, lower than phase boots, stats and IAS. Lich doesnt really needs attackspeed, but Stats boost really helps. 2x Bracers at start + Str power treads gives 400+hp. Power treads really helps, but not the best option, it delay buying core items. BoT is the boots of choice, gives high movespeed and mobility, which everybody needs.

Survability Boosters and BKB

Vanguard gives decent raw hp, hp regen, and damage block, but Lich doesnt really need this things. Delays your core and Stats given by pointbooster+ogre axe is a lot more better. Defiance gives magic resistance and hp regen, but same as above, he doesnt really need this thing. There are a lot of items better. BKB will be nice, but again, same as above, there are lot of items better than BKB. He doesnt really need this, he doesnt have a channeling spell, and he isnt a tank. Maybe ok, but not the best

7. Strategy
Early-Late Game

Early Game Objective
• Babysitting Allies
• Harassing
• Warding
At inhouse/competitive games, usually Lich is babysitting a dual lane carry. With Frost Nova, he can also help the carry in ganking. Also, harass enemies, with your Frost Nova, make sure you force them to go back while carries are farming(screenie at additional strategy. At pubs, Lich is viable at solo mid, he needs to get level 6 as fast as he can and get Chain Frost. For more in-depth guide to laning, refer here: Guide to Lane Control

Always ask for help at allies, frost nova itself cannot kill a enemy. Ask someone to initiate, preferably a stun. Always make sure that you have enough mana for Frost Nova, if none, make sure to recover with Dark Ritual. Also remember this: Forcing the enemy to retreat to their fountain is better than not trying.

Getting Ganked:
This is where juking skills is used, since Lich does not have a escaping skills. Here are some basic tips in escaping: Frost Nova slows enemy, remember? If you have frost armor, use it when enemies are attacking you, slowing their attackspeed and movespeed and making their attacks weaker. Most important: dont get creep blocked

Mid Game Objective
• To make kills through nuking and damage dealing (through ganking or solo effort).
• To provide Heals with Mekansm and provide your allies(preferably tanks/allies that are being attacked) with Frost Armor
• Warding
Now you have maxed Frost Nova and you have Chain Frost and some of your core items. At ganks, of course, always make sure cast Frost Nova often, then replenish with Dark Ritual.

Getting Ganked:
Nothing really changed with early game strategy, Frost Nova when a greedy enemy chases you, Frost Nova if someone is attacking you. Dont get creep blocked, and refer here: Escape Maneuvers

Team Clashes:
This is where Lich gets happy, team clashes. Team Clashes ensures a sure bounce for Chain Frost, plus the fact the team clashes usually happens at forest, or somewhere without too much creeps. Remember this things:
• Wait for a initiator to initiate a clash
• When opportunity comes, cast Chain Frost
• Allies with yellow/red hp? Use Mekansm
• Enemies trying to escape? Cast Frost Nova
• If you pwned someone, spend your cash.
The Killing Combo(Frost Nova+Chain Frost)

1. Make sure there are no creeps around the enemy heroes for the Chain to bounce upon. Each bounce is another nuke damage gone to waste. You can also kill those creeps using frost nova.

2. Make sure there are at least 2 heroes after you. Bounces are useless if there are no other heroes.

3. This move can fail if one hero is too far away from the others. Make sure you cast this to the closest heroes. Lucky if you got Dark Seer on your team, he will compress enemies, damaging them and creeps, use frost nova first, this will damage heroes at the same time finish off creeps, and then finish off heroes.

Note: Chain Frost has a higher casting range than nova, this can be useful if youre chasing and out of nova-range. Cast your ulti before you die, even if the situation isnt perfect. smart enemies will always try to kill lich before he gets off Chain Frost, he is naturally soft and has no escape mech, and Chain Frost can easily decide teamfights.

Late Game Objective
• To provide massive nuke damage
• To provide emergency slows and damage with Shiva's
• To provide heals with Mekansm.
• To finish things off
Finishing Things Off:
Same as casters-nukers, lich is not as effective as early game. Tanks got supah high hp now, you need your team to kill. During this phase, the Lich's role is to support his allies by providing emergency heals and supah high damage with his gamebreaking ultimate. Also remember to help in taking down towers.

Additional Strategy

Roshan at Level 1

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Line up of Lich/Ursa/Syllabear/Nevermore?/Beastmaster? can take down roshan at lvl 1 even without items. Lich Used frost armor on syllabear's bear and then let bear tank(i did you errors on micro thats why beastmaster was critical) The reason why teams kill roshan at level is simple: it ensures a sure level 2 on all 5 players and an aegis.

Let Carries Farm

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Harass, lets Carries farm. Your item independent remember? As you can see, Lich used Frost Nova on Rhasta making him retreat and letting Spectre the carry farm.

Lich's item-independence makes him a candidate for warding. For guide in warding, refer here: Heldarion's Total Warding - DotA Guides
Basic Knowledge

1. Last Hitting. For money and for deny. remember that the Dark Ritual skill can be exploited to deny more efficiently. If you choose to dual lane, let your carries last hit creeps.

2. Tower Hugging. By last hitting efficiently, you can control the aggressiveness of the creep waves. Auto-attacking all the time will hasten your creep advance. This means your creeps will get to the opposition towers EARLIER therefore, dying faster and you not gaining EXP has quickly as you could have.

3. Harassing. The mana generated through your denying with DARK RITUAL + FROST NOVA and your occasional attack(A)-clicks on the enemy, over time, you can force them to return to the base, denying them tomoney, EXP and the ability to do the same to you.

4. Call missing heroes.(from all lanes) That's what a good babysitter is for.

8. Hero Synergy

Lich benefit from heroes with Mass Aoe positioning skillls like Dark Seer and Magnus. Compressing them and then possibly killing creeps makes enemies easy prey. Lich also benefit from AoE Disablers. Who doesnt benefit from them? Lich also benefits from Roof since frost armor+living armor stacks. Thats a total of 24.

Clones/Illusion makers such as Slithice, Phantom Lancer and Dark Seer makes Chain Frost weaker, and uneffective, Chen also counters lich for the same reason. Lich is fragile, nukers like Lina can kill him like one-two-three pwn. Panda, when critical, splits into OMGWTF panda and that is hard to kill even using ulti, even when you killled those 3 pandas, it counts as a suicide.
9. Replays

Commedieu vs CityHunter

The Sentinel


The Scourge


Download Here
10. Others
Lich Changelog

[6.04] * Lich nova now costs 125/150/170/190 from 100/125/155/180
[6.04] * Lich attack range changed from 570 to 600
[6.05] * Gave Lich Icy Hands back
[6.10] * Made CM and Lich nova hotkeys the same, v.
[6.10] * Removed the frostnova animation from -refresh
[6.18] * Reduced str per lvl on Lich from 1.75 to 1.55
[6.19] * Reduced lich starting int from 20->18
[6.20] * Lich movespeed buffed from 280 to 295
[6.20] * Chain frost bounce from 7 to 6
[6.33] * Reduced Lich's attack range from 600 to 500
[6.34] * Chain Frost cast range reduced from 800 to 750. Scepter version increased from 800 to 850.
[6.36] * Dark Ritual cooldown from 45 to 60/55/50/45
[6.45] * Added an extra bounce to Scepter upgraded Chain Frost
[6.45] * Improved Frost Armor
[6.49] * Increased Lich attack range from 500 to 550
[6.50] * Added an extra bounce to Chain Frost
[6.58] * Dark Ritual and Death Pact now show the amount they restored with text overhead (258956)

Tower Cycling Trick

One way to stop the tower from attacking you is to press "A" key, (attack command) then left click on an ally creep that is full or close to full hp as if denying. This is useful to know if you like to dive towers. The tower will "cycle" pass you and start attacking another unit.

Centaur's Return

Frost armor will slow centaur if he has levelled return when you attack him.