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Thursday, 1 April 2010

Guide to Alleria the Wind Runner

Table of Content

Initial Stats & Skills

Strength Agility Intelligence

15+2.5 17+1.4 22+2.6

Alleria fires an enchanted arrow using wind magic that binds the target to an enemy unit or tree behind it.

Windrunner winds up her bow for up to 1 second to perform a single powerful shot. The arrow travels up to 1700 distance, dealing damage and destroying trees in its path. The damaged dealt is greatest to the first target it hits and is reduced by 10% with each other it passes through.

Imbues her body with the essence of wind, increasing her movement speed by 50% and giving her the ability to evade all physical attacks for a short period of time. Additionally, the gusts of wind around her impairs the movement of nearby enemies, slowing their movement speed in a 300 AoE around her.

Focus Fire:
Alleria channels wind throughout her body to surge an excess of adrenaline, giving her maximum attack speed on one target. Damage is reduced in this state.

Pros & Cons

  • High range hero
  • Has a quite reliable nuke with a high range
  • Great farming ability
  • High Attack Speed

  • Fragile Hero
  • Vulnerable against nukes
  • Low starting HP
  • Low starting MP

Skill Build
Though Alleria's skill build is versatile,this one is suited best in most game:

6.Shackleshot/Focus Fire
8.Focus Fire/Shackleshot
11.Focus Fire
15.Attribute Bonus
16.Focus Fire
17-25.Attribute Bonus

Powershot is always maxed first.It gives high damage and has a long range.
After this shackleshot is leveled.If targeted properly it shackles the opponent for 3.75 seconds when maxed and also gives a 0.75 seconds ministun.
One or two levels of windrunner are always useful to escape/chase.
With descent damage you can take out towers with ease with Focus Fire.
If your opponents have more ganker heroes then leveling up windrunner first is essential.
If the opponents have a strong defense and/or you are needed more to defend than push then it is advised not to take Focus Fire but instead max shackleshot/windrunner.

Explanation & usage of skills

Unlike the Meat hook & Elunes arrow,Powershot is not cancelled on collision with allied or enemy units.The Damage outcome is reduced whenever powershot collides with an opponent.Thus giving maximum damage to the first enemy unit it collides with.Travels a maximum of 1700 distance.Damage type is magical.

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Correct Powershot:

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Wrong Powershot:

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Targeting the powershot as such that it will directly hit the desired target without colliding with other units is the correct powershot.Whereas if your powershot collides with many units before actually reaching the desired target will give less damage thus making it the wrong powershot.


Alleria fires an enchanted arrow using wind magic that binds the target to an enemy unit or tree behind it.This skill if used properly can shackle one-two units for 3.75 seconds at a max level,leaving them completely disabled.
Even if not shackled the units will still get ministunned for 0.75 seconds.
This is a great skill for ganks and has a long casting range of 600.Can also be very useful to escape.

Correct Shackleshot:

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An example of a correct shackleshot.The target should not be too close to a tree/unit nor too far away from it.Just the right distance and he will get shackled.


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Once you land a correct shackleshot you can either hit the target for a few seconds and just before the shackleshot is going to end use the powershot
If you are confident enough,Hit the target till the shackle ends making full advantage of the shakleshot and once it has ended take precise aim and lock the powershot on the target.


Increases the Movement Speed of Alleria by 50% and gives complete physical damage evasion for a short time.Slows enemies in a nearby area by 30% when maxed.Lasts 5 seconds at level 4.
An excellent skill to escape.Will slow enemies near you and also give 100% evasion from all incoming physical damage.Can also be extremely useful to chase down and kill enemies.Gives max MS.

Tips:Projectiles targeted before the skill is activated will not be evaded.
Magic Immune units are affected by the slow.

Avoiding Physical Hits:

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Focus Fire

Alleria locks a single target and hits with maximum Attack Speed.While hitting the target with focus fire 50%/40%/30% Damage is reduced as per skill level.
The skill is excellent for razing as it can also be targeted on Buildings.Great for taking down towers if you have good Damage.

Tips:While Focus Fire is targeted you can still move and again hit the targetted unit/building with Focus Fire still on.
This can be of great use to avoid getting hit by incoming evadable projectiles.
Focus Fire can also be targeted on Magic Immune opponents.

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Skill Synergy

Shackleshot + Powershot

+ +
Shackleshot + Focus Fire + Powershot:With a perfect shackleshot and focus fire.It will deal massive damage and when the low HP hero has just gotten free you can Powershot to give the final blow.

Shackleshot + Windrunner:One of the best escape combos.You can shackleshot one target(most probably the one who has range nuke) and then use windrunner to escape.

Item Build

Basic Item Ideology for Wind Runner

Though WindRunner is an Int hero,her gameplay style is that of an Agi hero.More than High Int giving items,Alleria needs High Damage,IAS items.Her Gameplay Strategy is more inclined towards that of a DPS hero.Hence making High Damage Items for Alleria is Adviced.

Core Items

Early Game

With two mantle of intelligence and an ironwood you get descent start game damage.

Power Treads are an excellent item.Farm fast in lane and buy these.If your lane has more melee units/less harassers then keep them on int otherwise on str.

Phase Boots can be used as an alternative for Power Treads.While windrunner is activated you can use Phase to make full use of the Max MS and run without unit collision.The choice of deciding which boots to make remains completely yours though.
Note:Use windrunner before activating phase or else phase effect wont work.

Mid Game

By now with a good attack animation,high damage skills you shouldve managed to farm a bit.Complete an oblivion staff and your Null Talismans.Also buy another quarterstaff for the second oblivion staff.With this high damage & Attack speed you should be able to take almost every creep in a wave.

Alternate Item Build:

Helm of the Dominator is preferred by many on Alleria.Many prefer some Mid Game lifesteal and later upgrade it to a Satanic.

Late Mid Game

Complete Orchid Malevolence One of the most suited items for Alleria.It gives High Attack Damage,IAS,Mana Regen and Silence.Can be well used in team battles as well as solo duels.Try to finish this item ASAP.After that farm a Helm of Dominator fast.This will later be made into a Satanic.

Late Game

Monkey King Bar!An extremely important item as with true strike Alleria will never miss in Focus Fire.Satanic will help a lot with survivability.Just activate Satanic and lock Focus Fire on an enemy unit.Assault Cuirassalong with Satanic and its High Lifesteal can be used to slice through opponents armor like butter with a butter knife and Drain all their life within seconds.Also gives armor bonus.

Six Pack Items

The full 6 pack Inventory.You can replace the Divine Rapier with any other non Orb Effect item.

Other Items

Black King Bar:When the Avatar is activated along with windrunner gives you invulnerability.Can be a great counter against a match full of nuke opponents

Force Staff:Great support item.If your playing a support windrunner then this is the item which you should get.Force allies and help them chase opponents while you can target a powershot further reducing their HP.

Aghanims Scepter:With an Aghanims Scepter Focus Fire's cooldown is reduced to 15 seconds.You can make full use of your ultimate.

Blade Mail:Alleria being a fragile hero,Blade Mail can help a lot in team battles.Also gives damage bonus.

Luxury Items

With high attack speed from Assault Cuirass and combined armor reduction,every opponent is paper.Can be used as a substitute to Satanic.
Note:Will not trigger if true strike is active.

If your opponents have fast MS,then this is the perfect Orb Substitute.Slow them and wickedly laugh at them as they are trying helplessly to run but can't.
Note:Will not trigger if true strike is active.

Another Disable in your arsenal.

Another Substitute for Satanic.Gives good damage and IAS.
Note:Will not trigger if true strike is active.

High Damage+High Attack Speed along with critical strike never fails.

Rejected Items

Manta Style:A big NO for this item! 3x Is not needed for you!1xMax Attack Speed is enough and with a skill like windrunner you dont really need MS.

The Butterfly:Your gameplay Style might be that of an Agility hero but at the end your NOT an Agility hero.Extra agility does not help you with Damage!And windrunner gives you 100% physical evasion.Dont ever think of making this item for Alleria.

Kelens Dagger of Escape:Again you have windrunner and dont really need a dagger to escape.As for the Assassination part,powershot has enough range and you dont really need to blink to kill.

Extra Stuff:

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